There are different levels of investment in music education across regions, schools and age ranges. This means not all young people have access to music in their lives.
We support music education grassroots organisations and state school music departments to provide inclusive, high-quality music education. We also advocate for a greater focus on music education – one that recognises the power of music in changing young people’s lives.
We are working with communities, industry and government to make a change in how music is taught across the UK. We want every child to have equal access to express themselves through music and opportunity to pursue a music career.
in community and school-based learning that encourages the potential of young musicians.
stronger funding and government policies which ensure every child can access high-quality music education.
in schools and grassroots to help them secure the resources needed for vibrant music programs, from instruments to teacher training.
grassroots and after-school programs that foster young talent and bring music to communities in need.
Ian Naylor , Sheffield Music Hub “
ESF are enabling us to shout about our work and it’s making people listen! We know that we’re making a huge difference and it’s brilliant that this is being amplified!